First Post!
Post published at: September 30, 2021

Hello there! After years of talking about it, I'm finally adding a blog section to this website. Since I had the foresight to use the Vue.js framework (Nuxt.js) for this, it was only a matter of learning how to use the @nuxt/content module properly!

I could have also just published my posts on Medium, but where's the fun in that?

If you've visited this site before July 2021, you would notice that it has gone through a major revamp. The new design of this website is largely influenced by the numerous Jekyll and Next.js templates that I can find on the internet - sadly, there aren't many Nuxt.js website templates out there which is why I've decided to build this myself!

Next up on my development plan for the site is to deploy it on Netlify and start a CI/CD pipeline for the blog! Stay tuned.